Fuel float problem

  • Hello,
    As I wrote in the other thread, I took off the rubber Ansaugstutzen from my 1981 SR. Since that, I decided to take off the carburettor too, to see if everything was fine.
    I then tried to dismantle the fuel float, but its pivot is stuck in its place! :( How can I take this little axle off?
    Here you have a pair of pics: carburettor is standard Mikuni VM34SS fitted in Yamaha.

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/5143/vergaser01ow0.th.jpg]

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://img238.imageshack.us/img238/3649/vergaser02vf3.th.jpg]

    Can anybody help me?

    Greetings! :ber:

  • Hi!

    You can move the axle the right side (floaters in front), where it's diameter is a little bigger. Use a little hammer and a small driver (or a even a nail like in this picture) to 'force' it... be sure to set the right bearing of the pivot onto another hammer (or similar) to prevent it it from breaking.

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/1676/floateraxlegx0.th.jpg]

    I took the opportunity to open my spare carb... it was neither used nor opened for at least 14 years (probably closer to 25 years regarding the opening)


    Illiterate ? Write for help to m(ät)nic-mechanic(dot)de

  • Hello!
    I tried to extract the axle by grabbing it with a pair of pliers (from right side), but nothing happened. I'll try by gently hitting it with nail and hammer, as you said.
    Maybe a good soaking in penetrating oil could help too, as a little warm up of the part (Aluminium's dilatation coefficient is higher than Steel's one).

    I'll let you know. Thanks!

    Greetings :ber:


  • Here I am,
    I tried with nail and hammer trick and fuel float pivot has finally come off! :) I've just put some sprays of WD40 to help it working, no heating was necessary.

    Now I'm bothering with the float valve seat pulling out: I've tried with pliers again, but nothing has happen; then with a screw driven in the seat, and after half an hour of pulling I've noticed that it came off only for a pair of millimeters X( ... I'll keep on with that method.

    Thanks again for suggestions. Greetings! :ber:


  • It's been hard work with the "driven screw" method, but at the end the Schwimmernadelventilsatz has come off! :) ...

    Greetings :ber:

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